The Return
The start of a new campaign with a Bugbear Theif, Dragonborn Fighter, Firbolg Druid, Human Warlock, Human Wizard, Sorcerer Quasit, and a Tortle Cleric.
The start of a new campaign with a Bugbear Theif, Dragonborn Fighter, Firbolg Druid, Human Warlock, Human Wizard, Sorcerer Quasit, and a Tortle Cleric.
Can the Misfits find the source of corruption effecting the forest they woke up in during a di-lunar eclipse? Will they kill everything in sight, choose side...
The menagerie has found and entered the Sunken Citadel. What secrets have they yet to uncover?
What menaces await underneath the Sunken Citadel?
The party makes it to the Twilight Grove!