The Sunken Citadel

The menagerie has found and entered the Sunken Citadel. What secrets have they yet to uncover?

Episode 3

The following are the words of Mars, a Warlock quasit:

Hiss! Greetings, mortals! Mars here, your favorite Quasit Warlock, back to dish more dirt—or rather, more sulfurous fumes—on our continuing escapade in that damp, dreary Sunken Citadel.

First off, we followed some icky contamination to a bluff. Up we go, and what do we find? A crumbling fortress all sunk into the ground. giggles Of course, there were multiple paths, but did we take the obvious one? Nope! We picked the one covered in dragon pictures just to annoy Kingsley. That dragonborn is always so serious, a little mischief is good for him. heehee We get to some spiky gate, and beyond it was a crypt with a fancy dragon face. Kingsley, being the graceful dragonborn he is, smashes it open! Honestly, subtlety is lost on that one. And what does he find? A troll. AODHAN gets it with FIRE! wheezes It was quite the sight, Aodhan, all careful and quiet, suddenly blasting flames everywhere.

After some more battling, the troll is toast. We loot the place, finding:

  • Shiny rings
  • A gold circle pendant with a ruby and a silver dragon (ooooh, shiny!)
  • Some coins, silver and gold
  • And scrolls

I eats a scroll! Magic paper is so yummy! Bit dry, I can see why Zoro didn’t want it. You’d think it would be a commanding flavor, but not really.

Turns out the jewelry was for some red dragon, maybe one named Ash Shand. Seemed important to Kingsley. We broke the dragon stuff, of course. Can’t have any of that nonsense lying around. As the troll finally kicked it, we all felt a weird release. I’m feeling pretty good after that, if I do say so myself.

Next thing you know, we’re at a green flame that’s cold. Eryndor ties it to his pike. Showoff. Then, we find a secret door, thanks to Kingsley’s rock obsession. Behind it? Skeletons with bows! I ran ahead, tried to scare them by hiding in a skull. cackles It worked a little too well—they woke up, and I got attacked. I kept the skull helmet–could come in handy!

One of the skellies turned into an elf with some magic. Talk about random. Zoro summons a bouquet of flowers to blind everyone. It was a mess! Especially for Kingsley who doesn’t like rocks or dragons. We won after a lot of collateral damage snickers. Good times! We grabbed the loot, mostly arrows, and got out of there.

After that, we went down a hallway that Wraithfoot checked for traps. Trust that bugbear to be good at something shifty. We found another door, this one with a dragon-fish carving. Wraithfoot picked the lock, and inside was a keg with pipes. We opened it and out came elementals! This time they were ice and steam. Eryndor stabbed one; Zoro used some weird mind trick. We beat them all and grabbed some sapphires. Then we were all beat up so we rested.

After that, we are getting ready to head to another room all while Zoro is parading around in that ridiculous elf getup that would make even a goblin laugh, more jokes to come, I’m sure.

I guess that means the end of the fun, for now at least!

