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RPG Name Generator
Generate DnD 5E character names for your tabletop role-playing game or fantasy story. Create your next character for your role-playing game... read more
RPG Village Generator
Use RPG Village Generator to procedurally generate beautiful towns with rivers, roads, and farmsteads. read more
Dice Roller
RPG polyhedral online dice roller for Dungeons and Dragons or other role playing games. read more
DnD 5E Wild Magic Surge
Wild Magic Surge is an optional rule that produces a random effect when a Wild Magic Sorcerer casts a spell. read more
RPG City Generator
Use RPG City Generator to procedurally generate beautiful medieval cities with buildings, castles, city walls, districts, and surrounding farmlands. read more
DnD 5E Rules
Searchable rules index for Dungeons and Dragons from the DnD 5E System Reference Document (SRD). read more
RPG NPC Generator
Generate DnD 5E character names for your tabletop role-playing game or fantasy story. Create your next character for your role-playing game... read more
One Page Dungeon Generator
Use One Page Dungeon to procedurally generate dungeons with rooms and descriptions including secret rooms, grid, props, and water. read more