Magical Items
Magic items are presented in alphabetical order. A magic item’s description gives the item’s name, its category, its rarity, and its magical properties.
Magic Items (A)
Adamantine Armor
Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you’re wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.Ammunition, +1, +2, or +3
Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. The bonus is determined by the rarity of the ammunition. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.Amulet of Health
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. It has no effect on you if your Constitution is already 19 or higher.Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this amulet, you are hidden from divination magic. You can’t be targeted by such magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.Amulet of the Planes
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to name a location that you are familiar with on another plane of existence. Then make a DC 15 Intelligence check. On a successful check, you cast the plane shift spell. On a failure, you and each creature and object within 15 feet of you travel to a random destination. Roll a d100. On a 1-60, you travel to a random location on the plane you named. On a 61-100, you travel to a randomly determined plane of existence.Animated Shield
Traps can be found almost anywhere. One wrong step in an ancient tomb might trigger a series of scything blades, which cleave through armor and bone. The seemingly innocuous vines that hang over a cave entrance might grasp and choke anyone who pushes through them. A net hidden among the trees might drop on travelers who pass underneath. In a fantasy game, unwary adventurers can fall to their deaths, be burned alive, or fall under a fusillade of poisoned darts. A trap can be either mechanical or magical in nature. Mechanical traps include pits, arrow traps, falling blocks, water-filled rooms, whirling blades, and anything else that depends on a mechanism to operate. Magic traps are either magical device traps or spell traps. Magical device traps initiate spell effects when activated. Spell traps are spells such as glyph of warding and symbol that function as traps.
Traps in Play
When adventurers come across a trap, you need to know how the trap is triggered and what it does, as well as the possibility for the characters to detect the trap and to disable or avoid it.Triggering a Trap
Most traps are triggered when a creature goes somewhere or touches something that the trap’s creator wanted to protect. Common triggers include stepping on a pressure plate or a false section of floor, pulling a trip wire, turning a doorknob, and using the wrong key in a lock. Magic traps are often set to go off when a creature enters an area or touches an object. Some magic traps (such as the glyph of warding spell) have more complicated trigger conditions, including a password that prevents the trap from activating.Detecting and Disabling...
Planes of Existence
The cosmos teems with a multitude of worlds as well as myriad alternate dimensions of reality, called the planes of existence. It encompasses every world where GMs run their adventures, all within the relatively mundane realm of the Material Plane. Beyond that plane are domains of raw elemental matter and energy, realms of pure thought and ethos, the homes of demons and angels, and the dominions of the gods. Many spells and magic items can draw energy from these planes, summon the creatures that dwell there, communicate with their denizens, and allow adventurers to travel there. As your character achieves greater power and higher levels, you might walk on streets made of solid fire or test your mettle on a battlefield where the fallen are resurrected with each dawn.
The Material Plane
The Material Plane is the nexus where the philosophical and elemental forces that define the other planes collide in the jumbled existence of mortal life and mundane matter. All fantasy gaming worlds exist within the Material Plane, making it the starting point for most campaigns and adventures. The rest of the multiverse is defined in relation to the Material Plane. The worlds of the Material Plane are infinitely diverse, for they reflect the creative imagination of the GMs who set their games there, as well as the players whose heroes adventure there. They include magic-wasted desert planets and island-dotted water worlds, worlds where magic combines with advanced technology and others trapped in an endless Stone Age, worlds where the gods walk and places they have abandoned.Beyond the Material
Beyond the Material Plane, the various planes of existence are realms of myth and mystery. They’re not simply other worlds, but different qualities...Pantheons
The Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Norse pantheons are fantasy interpretations of historical religions from our world’s ancient times. They include deities that are most appropriate for use in a game, divorced from their historical context in the real world and united into pantheons that serve the needs of the game.
The Celtic Pantheon
It’s said that something wild lurks in the heart of every soul, a space that thrills to the sound of geese calling at night, to the whispering wind through the pines, to the unexpected red of mistletoe on an oak-and it is in this space that the Celtic gods dwell. They sprang from the brook and stream, their might heightened by the strength of the oak and the beauty of the woodlands and open moor. When the first forester dared put a name to the face seen in the bole of a tree or the voice babbling in a brook, these gods forced themselves into being. The Celtic gods are as often served by druids as by clerics, for they are closely aligned with the forces of nature that druids revere.Table- Celtic Deities
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol The Daghdha, god of weather and crops CG Nature, Trickery Bubbling cauldron or shield Arawn, god of life and death NE Life, Death Black star on gray background Belenus, god of sun, light, and warmth NG Light Solar disk and standing stones Brigantia, goddess of rivers and livestock NG Life Footbridge Diancecht, god of medicine and healing LG Life Crossed oak and mistletoe branches Dunatis, god of mountains and peaks N Nature Red sun-capped mountain peak Goibhniu, god of smiths and healing NG Knowledge, Life Giant mallet over sword Lugh, god of arts, travel, and commerce CN Knowledge, Life Pair of long hands Manannan mac Lir, god of oceans and sea creatures LN Nature, Tempest Wave of white water...Conditions
Conditions alter a creature’s capabilities in a variety of ways and can arise as a result of a spell, a class feature, a monster’s attack, or other effect. Most conditions, such as blinded, are impairments, but a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous. A condition lasts either until it is countered (the prone condition is countered by standing up, for example) or for a duration specified by the effect that imposed the condition. If multiple effects impose the same condition on a creature, each instance of the condition has its own duration, but the condition’s effects don’t get worse. A creature either has a condition or doesn’t. The following definitions specify what happens to a creature while it is subjected to a condition.
A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.Charmed
A charmed creature can’t attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful abilities or magical effects. The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature.Deafened
A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing.Exhaustion
Some special abilities and environmental hazards, such as starvation and the long-term effects of freezing or scorching temperatures, can lead to a special condition called exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An effect can give a creature one or more levels of exhaustion, as specified in the effect’s description.Exhaustion Effects
Level Effect 1 Disadvantage on ability checks 2 Speed halved 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws 4 Hit point maximum halved 5 Speed reduced to 0 6 Death If an already exhausted creature suffers another effect that causes exhaustion, its current level of exhaustion increases...Spell List
Spells (A)
Acid Arrow
2nd-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder’s stomach) Duration: Instantaneous A shimmering green arrow streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage (both initial and later) increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd.Acid Splash
Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one creature you can see within range, or choose two creatures you can see within range that are within 5 feet of each other. A target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).Aid
2nd-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a tiny strip of white cloth) Duration: 8 hours Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target’s hit points increase by an additional 5 for...Spells by Class
Bard Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
Dancing Lights Light Mage Hand Mending Message Minor Illusion Prestidigitation True Strike Vicious Mockery1st Level
Animal Friendship Bane Charm Person Comprehend Languages Cure Wounds Detect Magic Disguise Self Faerie Fire Feather Fall Healing Word Heroism Hideous Laughter Identify Illusory Script Longstrider Silent Image Sleep Speak with Animals Thunderwave Unseen Servant2nd Level
Animal Messenger Blindness/Deafness Calm Emotions Detect Thoughts Enhance Ability Enthrall Heat Metal Hold Person Invisibility Knock Lesser Restoration Locate Animals or Plants Locate Object Magic Mouth See Invisibility Shatter Silence Suggestion Zone of Truth3rd Level
Bestow Curse Clairvoyance Dispel Magic Fear Glyph of Warding Hypnotic Pattern Major Image Nondetection Plant Growth Sending Speak with Dead Speak with Plants Stinking Cloud Tiny Hut Tongues4th Level
Compulsion Confusion Dimension Door Freedom of Movement Greater Invisibility Hallucinatory Terrain Locate Creature Polymorph5th Level
Animate Objects Awaken Dominate Person Dream Geas Greater Restoration Hold Monster Legend Lore Mass Cure Wounds Mislead Modify Memory Planar Binding Raise Dead Scrying Seeming Teleportation Circle6th Level
Eyebite Find the Path Guards and Wards Irresistible Dance Mass Suggestion Programmed Illusion True Seeing7th Level
Arcane Sword Etherealness Forcecage Magnificent Mansion Mirage Arcane Project Image Regenerate Resurrection Symbol Teleport8th Level
Dominate Monster Feeblemind Glibness Mind Blank Power Word Stun9th Level
Foresight Power Word Kill True PolymorphCleric Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
Guidance Light Mending Resistance Sacred Flame Spare the Dying Thaumaturgy1st Level
Bane Bless Command Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Evil and Good Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Guiding Bolt Healing Word Inflict Wounds Protection from Evil and Good Purify Food and Drink Sanctuary Shield of Faith2nd Level
Aid Augury Blindness/Deafness Calm Emotions Continual Flame Enhance Ability Find Traps Gentle Repose Hold Person Lesser Restoration Locate Object Prayer of Healing Protection from Poison Silence Spiritual Weapon Warding Bond Zone of Truth3rd Level
Animate Dead Beacon of Hope Bestow Curse Clairvoyance Create Food and Water Daylight Dispel Magic Glyph of Warding Magic Circle Mass Healing Word Meld into Stone Protection from Energy Remove Curse Revivify Sending Speak with Dead Spirit Guardians Tongues Water Walk4th Level
Banishment Control Water Death Ward Divination Freedom of Movement Guardian of Faith Locate Creature Stone Shape5th Level
Commune Contagion Dispel Evil and Good Flame Strike Geas Greater Restoration Hallow Insect Plague Legend Lore Mass Cure Wounds Planar Binding Raise Dead Scrying6th Level
Blade Barrier Create Undead Find the Path Forbiddance Harm Heal Heroes’ Feast Planar Ally True Seeing Word of Recall7th Level
Conjure Celestial Divine Word Etherealness Fire Storm Plane Shift Regenerate Resurrection Symbol8th Level
Antimagic Field Control Weather Earthquake Holy Aura9th Level
Astral Projection Gate Mass Heal True ResurrectionDruid Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
Driudcraft Guidance Mending Poison Spray Produce Flame Resistance Shillelagh1st Level
Animal Friendship Charm Person Create or Destroy Water Cure Wounds Detect Magic Detect Poison and Disease Entangle Faerie Fire Fog Cloud Goodberry Healing Word Jump Longstrider Purify Food...Spell Attack
Spell Saving Throws
Many spells specify that a target can make a saving throw to avoid some or all of a spell’s effects. The spell specifies the ability that the target uses for the save and what happens on a success or failure. The DC to resist one of your spells = 8 + your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus + any special modifiers.Spell Attack Rolls
Some spells require the caster to make an attack roll to determine whether the spell effect hits the intended target. Your attack bonus with a spell attack equals your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus. Most spells that require attack rolls involve ranged attacks. Remember that you have disadvantage on a ranged attack roll if you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature that can see you and that isn’t incapacitated.Combining Magical Effects
The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don’t combine, however. Instead, the most potent effect-such as the highest bonus-from those castings applies while their durations overlap. For example, if two clerics cast bless on the same target, that character gains the spell’s benefit only once; he or she doesn’t get to roll two bonus dice.Casting A Spell
When a character casts any spell, the same basic rules are followed, regardless of the character’s class or the spell’s effects. Each spell description begins with a block of information, including the spell’s name, level, school of magic, casting time, range, components, and duration. The rest of a spell entry describes the spell’s effect.